2024-2025 Undergraduate University Catalog 
    Jan 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate University Catalog

James Millikin Honors Scholars Program

Dr. Michael Hartsock, Director

Mission Statement of the James Millikin Honors Scholars Program:

The James Millikin Honors Scholars Program is an interdisciplinary community of dedicated and intellectually curious students and faculty. James Millikin Scholars are afforded enriched curricular and co-curricular opportunities which enable them to reach their highest potential by challenging them intellectually and preparing them for lives of integrity, value, and professional success. James Millikin Scholars not only distinguish themselves within their disciplinary homes, they develop, demonstrate and discover significant cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge and perspectives. Based on the belief that excellence requires engagement, the program seeks creative avenues for integrating theory and practice, enhancing critical thinking, examining ethics and values and fostering the development of better citizens and successful leaders.

Goals of the James Millikin Honors Scholars Program: The James Millikin Honors Scholars Program will afford intellectually curious students a forum for the interdisciplinary and collaborative exchange of ideas through distinctive, innovative, and student-driven approaches to learning:

  • James Millikin Scholars will understand and apply diverse discipline specific research methods and knowledge.
  • James Millikin Scholars will acquire and apply ethical reasoning and critical thinking skills.
  • James Millikin Scholars will analyze and evaluate normative and descriptive claims using ethical reasoning and critical thinking skills.
  • James Millikin Scholars will analyze and evaluate interdisciplinary scholarship related to topics of local, national and global import which are too large, complex or important to be understood from a single academic discipline or cultural perspective.
  • James Millikin Scholars will create individualized & self-motivated scholarship or creative projects.
  • James Millikin Scholars will understand and communicate the significance and outcomes of independent scholarship to the honors and University community with oral and written presentations.
  • James Millikin Scholars will engage in activities which enrich and serve the Honors, Millikin, and larger community.

James Millikin Honors Scholars Program Overview:

The James Millikin Scholars Program invites entering freshman who achieve either an ACT composite score of 27, or a SAT composite score of 1260, and a record of academic success in college preparatory courses to apply to the Honors Program. Students who are not automatically invited by the above criteria may petition the Honors Director based on other meritorious credentials. Application forms may be requested from the Office of Admission or the Honors Director. James Millikin Scholars must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 out of 4.0. Transfer students who participated in the honors program at their most recent former institution of higher education are invited to petition the Honors Director for admission into Millikin University’s Honors Program. Students transferring from two-year institutions with which Millikin has a formal Honors Program articulation agreement are automatically invited to apply for the Honors Program. Honors coursework will be transferred as determined by the Honors Director and the University Registrar. Students who have earned an Associates of Arts or an Associate of Sciences and successfully completed their two year institution’s honors program will be regarded as having met all 100 and 200 level James Millikin Honors Scholars program requirements.

The James Millikin Honors Scholars Program carries with it several unique opportunities and advantages, including a $1000 per year honors scholarship. Honors courses are taken with all and only James Millikin Scholars, and those courses are small and student driven. Compared to the standard University Studies Program, the James Millikin Honors Scholars curriculum has fewer total required credit hours. Combined, these features give James Millikin Scholars the space and the intellectual environment in which they can flourish both as a scholar and a person. In addition, James Millikin Scholars are permitted to register for classes early, have 24-hour access to the Honors Lounge for studying, meeting and socializing, and those in good standing (cumulative GPA of 3.3 or better) may register for up to 21 credit hours per term at the normal, full-time undergraduate tuition rate specified elsewhere in this catalog.

James Millikin Honors Scholars Program Curricular Requirements

James Millikin Scholars follow the curriculum presented here rather than the University Studies Program Requirements presented elsewhere in the catalog. James Millikin Scholars are still responsible for all other applicable requirements as defined by their academic programs of study (e.g., college and major specific requirements).

It is also expected that James Millikin Scholars contribute significantly to both the honors community and the campus and larger community through service and outreach activities. A minimum of 10 hours of such engagement is required per semester and must be documented through the Honors Program Office. Campus and community engagement consists in any activity you do for whom the primary beneficiary is not you or a small group (or team) of which you are a member. It cannot be something for which you are compensated, nor can it be something that merely advances your personal, team or club’s self-serving goals. However, anything you do, even as the part of such a team or club, that extends beyond the activities of the organization itself does count. Activities done as a part of an organization with a service oriented mission (e.g., APO) do count.

James Millikin Scholars must complete the following courses (29 credits):

Honors Core:

Three of the following (9 credits total, course numbers may be duplicated):

In addition to the Honors Core, James Millikin Scholars must complete either track one or two (this choice is typically made in the sophomore or junior year).

Track 1:

For students who are interested in a sustained, multi-year scholarly or creative project. To elect this track, students must submit a well-developed project plan that adequately describes an independent research or creative project. Project plans should be approximately 1,000 words and include a clear statement of the research question(s) or creative project theme, a statement of methodology which demonstrates a clear understanding of the discipline appropriate methods and how they are related to your proposed project, and a detailed budget of expected expenses, if applicable. Project plans must be approved by at least one faculty member who has agreed to serve as the project advisor.

  • Credit(s): 4 total This course should be taken at the semester students begin their project, typically during the 3rd year.
  • Credit(s): 4 total These should be divided and taken each regular term during which the student is working on the project.
  • Credit(s): 1 This should be taken the semester the student completes their project, typically their final term.

Track 2:

For students interested in additional coursework and a shorter-term project.

  • One additional 300 level honors course, either HN 300  or HN 350  Credit(s): 3
  • Credit(s): 4 total These should be divided and taken each regular term during which the student is working on the project. Up to 3 of the 4 required credits of HN490 can be articulated with other 300 or 400 level coursework in the student’s major or minor area of study via the Honors Capstone Contract.
  • Credit(s): 1 This should be taken the semester the student completes their project, typically their final term.

Probation or Dismissal Due to GPA:

  • To be in good standing with the James Millikin Scholars Programs, students must maintain a 3.3 out of 4.0 cumulative GPA.
  • Any James Millikin Scholar whose cumulative GPA drops below 3.3 shall be placed on probation from the program. Students on probation from the James Millikin Scholars Program retain all associated privileges except the right to take 19-21 credit hours per term without additional tuition.
  • A student on probation will remain on probation so long as their subsequent term GPAs remain 3.3 out of 4.0 or better.
  • A student on probation will be removed from probation and considered in good standing if their cumulative GPA rises above 3.3 out of 4.0.
  • A student on probation will be dismissed from the James Millikin Scholars programs if any subsequent term GPA drops below 3.3 out of 4.0.
  • Students who are given notice of dismissal will have 10 business days to appeal their expulsion to the Honors Committee. The Honors Director and the Honors Committee retain full discretion to accept or reject the appeal. Students who appeal their expulsion will be required to submit a mitigation letter, accompanied by two letters of support from faculty. Such students may also be required to agree to a retention plan and contract with the Honors Director. A student whose appeal is accepted will remain on probation.

Students Leaving the Honors Program:

Honors students who voluntarily or involuntarily leave the Honors Program must fulfill all MPSL requirements in order to be eligible for graduation. The following are Honors and University Studies course equivalences for former Honors Students.

Presidential Scholars Program

Dr. Michael Hartsock, Director

The Presidential Scholars Program was established in 1984 as the University sought to identify students who combine outstanding academic records with service to their communities (broadly defined) and leadership in community and school activities. Students chosen as Presidential Scholars receive scholarship assistance equivalent to full-tuition each term. Honors qualified high-school seniors are invited to apply and are interviewed by a panel of faculty and current honors students. Presidential Scholars must maintain a 3.3 cumulative grade point. Presidential Scholars are required to participate in the James Millikin Scholars Program and have a four-year residency requirement. Presidential Scholars are further expected to engage in campus and community leadership and serve as a positive role model for other students. Presidential Scholars who leave the James Millikin Scholars program, voluntarily or involuntarily, forfeit the Presidential Scholarship assistance.